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Change management dissertation

Change management dissertation

change management dissertation

Keywords: Change management, organizational change, middle managers, consensus culture, pressure Thesis purpose: The thesis aims to add knowledge concerning middle managers experiences of managing change. Methodology: The researchers have conducted qualitative interviews with an interpretive stance Jul 03,  · Organizational Change Management. Change Management British Airways. I hope you enjoyed reading this post on organisational change. There are many other titles available in the business management and MBA dissertation collection that should be of interest to MBA students and academic professionals. There are many dissertation titles that relate to other aspects of business such as The dissertation discusses the impact of change management during the implementation of an IT system. The theoretical part of the dissertation is aimed at gaining information about human performance and the implicationduring the, s implementation of thesystem, and also post-implementation. Literature suggests that

Change Management review - Course Scholar

The determinants and Change management dissertation of change In each branch of change management have been considered and addressed. Some elements fall outside the scope of the literature review and research. The literature review is structured in such a way that echoes this integration as illustrated in the following diagram Figure M.

Figure XX: Areas within and change management dissertation the research boundaries leading to organizational responsiveness to change. People Management Leadership Organizational Context. Organizational Learning. Knowledge Management. Change Management. Change Management Change Management is neither an art nor a science; it is an individual process relying solely on the organization, individuals within the organization employeesleadership style and management of the organization middle and top managersorganizational culture, and a variety of external Influences Including environmental, technological and social, change management dissertation.

The scope for change management within an organization to fail is huge; however the scope for effectiveness is as wide if approached logistically. It is important to keep in mind that change management is not an art or a science but each area and issue of change change management dissertation is completely individualistic. Many authors have written and researched within the academic area of change application, and how it can be applied strategically to assist the organization. The work that these authors within the field of change management bring to the academic discussion have been studied, analyses, criticized and presented here in an attempt to both inform the reader and support the research and subsequent analysis.

The organization exists within an environment, has Inputs lProcesses P and Outputs O taking into account both formal and informal subsystems and processes, change management dissertation.

Combined together this presents a system that is both effective and theoretically sound. As Hellhole identifies change can occur at an individual l, P or O level and see effective results, however the argument can also be constructed to assume that when change management is handled holistically, change management dissertation, change management dissertation all the individual parts of the working cog model, a better result is often seen.

Theory in this area is rather limited, however Senior and Swales present change management dissertation following illustration Figure 10 which builds upon the work of Child focused on the intangible elements of organizational change management dissertation. An example that may be given here to help explain and contextual this point is that of a maintenance company repaving a road, change management dissertation.

One element of the system may be to fill the hole with a temporary road surface which is followed up by the removal of this and re-surfacing to correct standards a week later. It could be argued that both elements of change management dissertation process could be enhanced but the systems hinging viewpoint would maintain that removing stage one would enhance effectiveness, reduce cost and wastage, as well as the crucial element of satisfying customer demand. The author finds this theory and viewpoint interesting and will return to this concept at a later point.

Figure The Organization as a System — adapted from the work of Senior and Swales A key area that the author feels is missing from Senior and Swales model is feedback.

Organizations are subject to change and influence from the external environment; this therefore requires a agree of planning and control, which is most effective if informed with feedback. From the perspective of open systems, some of the main characteristics of organizations are that they are: embedded within a larger system, able to avoid entropy, regulated by feedback, subject to equability, cyclical McKinney and the AS model can be used here to look at the infrastructure of the organization, change management dissertation, in addition to the informal and formal processes that is presented above.

An analysis of the internal change management dissertation from this perspective adds to the depth of analysis that can be undertaken. The AS model encompasses the areas of Structure, Systems, Style, Staff, change management dissertation, Skills, Strategy and Shared Values providing a useful LOL to merge both tangible and intangible organizational elements. At the analysis stages of this research it will be interesting to return to the idea of change at both an individual l, P and O and organizational level and contrast this to what is observed within the case studies, and the influence that this holds over organizational readiness and responsiveness to change.

The concept of organizational systems theory is Just one very small part of the evolution of organization theory. This links with the changes in development of change management theory addressed revisions due to culture and influencing factors throughout the eras. The author would suggest that this is not necessarily always a requirement, however this could be debated further.

Contingency Theory — Mechanistic and Organic Organizations Before the theories and application of change management are examined and analyses, the author believes it to be of importance to examine organizational dynamics as briefly highlighted above within Section 3. There are three main viewpoints; open yester theory, contingency theory, and congruence model for organizational assessment. Mechanistic Organizational Characteristics Organic Organizational Characteristics 1.

Specialized tasks, narrow in scope 1. Common tasks and interdependencies change management dissertation. Tasks rigidly defined 2. Tasks adjusted and redefined as required 3. Strict hierarchy change management dissertation authority 3. Less adherence to formal authority and rules 4, change management dissertation. Centralized knowledge and control 4. Decentralized knowledge and control 5. Hierarchical communication 5.

The author does not have a specific view on this matter. It has not been unknown for alignment to be criticized within the field due to the fact that it is very difficult to apply in practice. It is clear within both the work of Burns and Stalker and Child that changes to one or more of either the internal or external elements will have an impact upon other elements that therefore may also require change subsequently.

This was highlighted and expanded upon by the work of Cotter who in essence merges open systems theory and interagency theory creating an integrative model of organizational dynamics.

In the short term Cotter comments that organizational effectiveness is enhanced and determined by he speed with which the organization can control and respond to any of the six structural elements before they start to have an change management dissertation on one of the other areas.

However using the integrative model for a long term approach the idea of readiness change management dissertation very much at the core. Adaptability is important because it determines whether or not the organization will be able to maintain the required degree of alignment over the long term.

The organizational dynamics need to support the organizations ability to be both change management dissertation and responsive to change; readiness helps support the long term strategy whilst responsiveness will assist in the rectification of the cause-effect relationships change management dissertation interlink the organizational system together.

Congruence Model — the focus towards strategy As the thinking behind organizational management developed the importance of strategy increased amongst firms; a few years after the development of the above organizational dynamic models Needle and Dustman entered into the academic arena with their take on systems theory, the difference being a strategic focus change management dissertation. Some of the elements of the congruence model are derived from work by Alleviate and Katz and Kahn both cited in Hayes, The congruence model is in effect a different take on open systems theory.

Its main preference is its focus towards strategy and strategic management through assessing the congruency of the organizational components on organizational effectiveness. A distinct difference between the work of Needle and Dustman and open change management dissertation theory is that the integrative model focuses in some depth around the relationship between all of the components within the transformational process. This is illustrated by the directional arrows in Figure 12 below.

Relationship between… Example areas for consideration Individual Formal Organization What extent are individual needs met by the formal organizational change management dissertation For example — Personal Learning Styles Briggs Myers and Briggs Myers, change management dissertation, ; Honey and Uniform,change management dissertation, Team Roles Beeline, AAAand specific HER elements such as Individual appraisal processes CHIP, AAA; Armstrong, ; Armstrong and Baron, Individual Task To what extent do individuals have the skills necessary to meet task demands and to what extend do the tasks satisfy individual needs?

Individual Informal Organization To what extent does the informal organization satisfy the needs of the individuals or make best use of their talents? Task Formal Organization To what extent are the formal organizational arrangements adequate to meet the demands of the task?

Task Informal Organization To what extent does the informal organization facilitate task performance? For example the work of John Adair looking at Task, Team, and Individual Formal Organization Informal Organization To what extent are the goals, rewards and structures of the informal organization consistent with those of the formal organization. Adapted from: Hayes One element that strikes as being predominant, and harmonies with the opinion of the author, is that of the individual.

This model takes into consideration an area that most other models merely merge with other organizational elements. Here the individual is given specific credit and attention, and is focused on in terms of interaction with the formal organization, the informal organization, and the organizational tasks.

The individual is seen as a personalized resource to the cuisines that brings individual skills and knowledge that help to equip and shape the organization. The author has a specific interest in the role of the individual Butterflies, ; Section 3. Source: Needle and strategy before the transformation process. This inevitability requires that management have looked at and decided on the appropriate strategy in advance; it almost contradicts the process as one would assume that the strategic direction would follow the process and possibly the output.

With the inclusion of the feedback loop it could be considered that this is the case and its position here is deliberate fitting with the experiential change management dissertation cycle of Kola At the application stages of this research when the case studies are looked at it will change management dissertation interesting to see where this features in the reality of the organizations, change management dissertation.

All of the models looked at and discussed above can only ever be a simplification of reality, change management dissertation. In terms of change management it is the ability to take these models and look at their use in turning ability to become an appropriate conceptual framework for taking an existing situation and managing the desired change within the applicable circumstances.

Out of all of the models looked at the author feels that the congruence model is the cost applicable within the research to be carried out. This is mainly due to its strategic focus, and consideration of the individual. As previously mentioned the models only become applicable and useful if application as a conceptual framework can be adopted.

This will be applied and analyses within the findings chapter Section 5. Drivers for change There are many drivers for change and these are dependent upon on the area of change that you address. This is such a huge topic and an in-depth analysis far exceeds the scope that the topic can occupy within this thesis. It is hoped that the main drivers for change for each organization will become apparent within the case study analysis as these are very personal and dependent on both the organization and the industry that the organization is operating within.

This picks up on what change management dissertation author has been trying to convey throughout the sections on Personnel Management Section 3. and Knowledge Management Section 3. Not only are there external drivers for change UT internal ones too. As people recover from the economic crisis they will begin to drive forward organizational change in a bid to better themselves and get credit and assurance of their work to the organization.

Organizations need to bear this is mind and respond appropriately. Energy costs will continue to increase in the medium termed. Tax policy could erode the competitive positioning of U.

Innovation happens for emerging market consumers, not in emerging markets A new return to vertical integration gains traction Industry shifts create competitive shifts Increases in information requires more Judgment from decision makers Markets reward long-term strategic focuses, change management dissertation.

Economic recovery wont mean recovery for everyone Predominantly Kurt Lenin presents us with a change management theory revolving round the concept of unfreezing — change — and refreezing which presents a high- level approach to change. Through use of he model there is scope for management to make a radical change, minimize disruption of operations and ensure that the change change management dissertation a permanent and rooted element of the organization through the re-freezing stage.

The model, very focused around getting people to change as opposed to changing an organization, consists of three stages: Unfreezing — This is based upon the assumption that there is a need to change as present practices may have become outdated, change management dissertation, slow, ineffective, expensive etc…. The need to instigate the unfreezing stage is typically based upon an assumption that the status quo is no longer desirable or positive; exulting from this there is often a motivation for change, the team unites, recognizes the need for change and begins the process of change management.

Top 5 Organizational Change Management Strategies - How to Manage Transformational Change

, time: 10:17

Change Management Dissertation Proposal | Change Management | Mergers And Acquisitions

change management dissertation

change management were also utilized in-depth. The thesis focuses on four key models. The four models were used because they have a direct correlation to the objective and, hence, made it much easier to solve the thesis problem. These mod-els include; Lewin’s Change Management Model, McKinsey 7 S Model, Kotter’s This study is an attempt to investigate the change management process followed by a major company during a SAP system implementation and to introduce some key points that should be addressed whilst managing such a change The dissertation discusses the impact of change management during the implementation of an IT system. The theoretical part of the dissertation is aimed at gaining information about human performance and the implicationduring the, s implementation of thesystem, and also post-implementation. Literature suggests that

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