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Gerald WoodsUniversity of Tennessee. In this dissertation, we use soft x-ray spectroscopy to investigate the electronic structure of the highly anisotropic, strongly correlated transition-metal oxide d. Band structure calculations and theoretical modeling of V-V correlation effects were employed to assist in the interpretation of the experimental data.
Our results dissertation correlational study phd that NaV2O5 is a Mott-Hubbard insulator in which the V d-band spanning the Fenni level is split into lower and upper Hubbard bands by strong correlation effects. Advanced Search. Home About FAQ My Account Accessibility Statement, dissertation correlational study phd. Privacy Copyright. Skip to main content. TRACE Home. Author Gerald WoodsUniversity of Tennessee.
Committee Members David Mandrus, Marianne Breinig, Bob Compton. Abstract In this dissertation, we use soft dissertation correlational study phd spectroscopy to investigate the electronic structure of the highly anisotropic, strongly correlated transition-metal oxide d.
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