Matteo Matteucci ("laurea" degree , MS , Phd ) is an Associate Professor at the Politecnico di Milano. Interested in Robotics and Algorithms for Machine Learning (a.k.a. Pattern Recognition, Knowledge Discovering, Data Mining, Soft Computing, etc.), in he got a Master of Science in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining at Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA), and 21 FEB POLIMI opens doctoral training to external candidates 12 NOV Soft & Transferable Skills Courses organized by the PhD School 13 MAR THE PHD AT POLITECNICO DI MILANO IS A FRUITFUL INVESTMENT Jul 27, · Dear SE-Community Member, I am Fabian Kortum, a PhD-student at Leibniz University Hannover, Germany and Author of the ICSSP’19 paper: "Behavior-Driven Dynamics in Agile Development: The Effect
Dottorati di Ricerca - Politecnico di Milano: PhD Homepage
The Laurea Magistrale equivalent to Master of Science provides a first year of basic training, followed by 14 possible Major in order to customize the education according to your preferences, attitudes and expectations.
The Programme also provides a wide choice of exchange experiences and international double degrees. The Study Programme is provided in English, to allow an international experience with the presence in the classroom of students of different countries. Registration requires an assessment of the previous career. nt of the previous career. Requirements: Bachelor of Science Degree three years.
Contacts: management-engineering polimi. Source: Career Service Politecnico di Milano Survey The survey is addressed to graduates a year from their graduation date. Industrial fields Industrial and service companies, consulting firms, banks and financial institutions, public administration bodies, non-profit organizations. Functions The management engineer can carry out different activities: planning and management polimi phd thesis production and logistics systems, strategic planning, business organization and management, economics, planning and management of technology and innovation, internationalization processes, management control, corporate and market finance, polimi phd thesis, business management in regulated sectors and network services, planning and management of big projects, Internet applications and ICT management information and communication technologies.
Starting from the a. The Master of Science in Management Engineering provides a first year of basic training in Management Engineering, followed by 14 possible Major in order to customize the education according to your preferences, attitudes and expectations. The programme also provides a wide choice of exchange experiences and international double degrees.
In each Major, students have the opportunity to engage in special projects practice-based labs developed in collaboration with different companies which simulate the working environment and allow to tackle real challenges, polimi phd thesis. The Major To know in detail the objectives of each Major and the expected courses, download the related presentations:.
Listen to the experiences of the Alumni who have chosen this academic career, polimi phd thesis. An Evaluation Committee is appointed for this purpose by the Study Programme Board. The Committee will base the admission on the analysis of the candidate academic career, polimi phd thesis. For more information and details, polimi phd thesis, please visit the Web site of the School of Industrial and Information Engineering:.
Students with a degree obtained in Italy For procedures and deadlines of the admission application to the Master of Science, please visit in Italian :. The payment of the total amount is divided into polimi phd thesis instalmentspolimi phd thesis, the first instalment is paid at the enrolment and the polimi phd thesis one, usually, during the second semester of the academic year.
Check all the details about deadlines and amounts on the Web page Student contribution. The Laurea Magistrale study programme in Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering includes lessons related to three big subject areas: Applied Economics, Industrial Engineering, Management. Students can decide among these subjects according to different proportions and specific needs, to the type of professional profile, critical skills and their training objectives. Given that not all exam combinations are equally effective, as well as they do not offer a proper consistency with the profile of the Management Engineer, there are some examples of study plans that have been already approved in advance.
Study Plan For information on the study plans, please visit:. Please, regularly check the notice board on the Web site of the School or your Campus for possible date changes, polimi phd thesis. For what concerns textbooks, we suggest you to wait for specific indications from polimi phd thesis professors at the beginning of the related courses.
The lecture programmes can be checked on the degree programme, by selecting the specific course. Exams Visit the specific Web page for Exams to find out how to register and the evaluation criteria. Rules for the final Degree Examination The final Degree Examination consists in the discussion of a thesis work.
The regulations on how to write a final thesis are available on the School of Industrial and Polimi phd thesis Engineering website. In particular, all students must refer to:. Students pursuing an international Double Degree are also strongly encouraged to refer to the short step-by-step guide dedicated to supporting them in the thesis and graduation process.
The guide can be found at the end of this section. Internal Double Degrees The Internal Double Degrees are joint programs designed in collaboration with other Study Programmes of Politecnico di Milano with the aim to provide further skills, related to other subjects, polimi phd thesis, to the management engineer, polimi phd thesis, in order to develop new professional profiles able to meet the challenges and new opportunities in some specific sectors.
The Double Degree in Built Environment and Management Engineering aims to meet the new challenges related to the building sector, at national and international level, by developing new professional profiles that put together the typical skills of management engineering with those of the built management.
The Double Degree in Management Engineering and Product-Service System Design aims to develop new highly specialized professionals in the fields of design, management, strategic development and creation of innovative business models. Students who decide to undertake this career will develop skills that go beyond product design but involve the whole product-service-communication system, polimi phd thesis, with a specific focus on services and complex systems for creating value for individuals and companies, by combining the ability to conceive and visualise business models and boost the innovation process.
For more information, download the presentation. Ranking Double Degree Management Engineering — Product Service System Design Admitted Double Degree Management Engineering — Product Service System. International Double Degrees Together with a selected number of partner universities, Politecnico di Milano offers international Double Degree Programmes, some of which with a specific curriculum in Management Engineering.
The Double Degree Programmes provide an important international experience and allow to earn, in just two and a half years, polimi phd thesis, a double degree, both from Politecnico di Milano and from the partner University. A significant amount of work must be carried out on the final thesis, which includes an Internship; this allows to consolidate the acquired skills and facilitates the start of a career. More detailed prospects of the course requirements for polimi phd thesis current International Double Degrees in Management Engineering can be found at the end of this section.
Audencia Nantes School of Management is polimi phd thesis the top universities in Europe and offers programmes that are regularly listed in the most well-known international rankings polimi phd thesis as The Financial Times, The Economist. The School has obtained many prestigious accreditations, such as EQUIS, AACSB, AMBA.
The Double Degree programme offers the opportunity to improve specific skills in marketing, consulting, polimi phd thesis, finance and entrepreneurship at Audencia, together with the technological and innovation background of Politecnico di Milano.
The Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management SBS-EM is the Business School of the Université Libre de Bruxellesa big multi-cultural university located in the metropolitan area of Brussels and close to the headquarters of the social and political institutions of the Polimi phd thesis Union.
SBS-EM offers high quality education at the undergraduate, postgraduate and executive levels; this is reflected also by international university rankings and accreditations EQUIS, AMBA. Tsinghua University Beijing is one of the best universities in China for quality of education, research and service to society.
Over the years, it has obtained the highest number of professors, at the national level, who have received awards in academic and scientific fields. Tsinghua University is also considered one of the best universities worldwide. The MSc Double Degree in Management Engineering aims at putting together the exclusive educational resources of each of the two universities, by training a top-level graduate profile, with a degree from both universities, through a strong preparation in the fields of global industrial production and management engineering.
Tongji University Shanghai is one of the oldest and most prestigious institutes of higher education in China. As of today, the university includes different fields of study and it attracts many students, from China and from all over the world.
The university has also developed a strong connection with the industry world, which allows it to provide students with the opportunity of a real interaction with society. The Double Degree aims at providing students with tools and resources that are necessary to develop skills in industrial and management engineering. Audencia Double Degree Prospect Solvay Double Degree Prospect Tongji Double Degree Prospect Tsinghua Double Degree Prospect.
EIT Manufacturing Master School The EIT Manufacturing Master School is a double degree programme which provides students with an international experience in the field of manufacturing.
It aims to attract top talents to further empower them through mobility and other learning opportunities to become leading innovators and entrepreneurs in manufacturing. The education at EIT Manufacturing Master School combines technical competence with skills in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. EIT Manufacturing Master School students will be polimi phd thesis elite group of forthcoming engineers, operators, polimi phd thesis, innovators, and other relevant professionals.
The EIT Manufacturing Master School is open to students who earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Management Engineering, with the equivalent of ECTS credits under the European system, polimi phd thesis. The double degree experience will cover the entire two-year Master of Science polimi phd thesis, giving its student the opportunity to earn two degrees at the end polimi phd thesis their path.
The EIT-M is not included in the Polimi International Mobility Call. Students who wish to participate must submit their application through the EIT-M application website, while also following the standard Politecnico di Milano admissions procedure to the Master polimi phd thesis Science programme in Management Engineering.
Instructions can be found in the prospect included below, polimi phd thesis. For further details and guidance, please refer to the following in-depth prospect. Learn more about the EIT-M Master School at the following link. The recording of the presentation of the Programme held by Professor Terzi is available at the following link. Frequently Asked Questions. The objective of the Mentorship Programme is to offer to some selected Master of Polimi phd thesis students a high value added experience by participating in some activities that will foster their professional and personal development, and academic career.
For more details about this opportunity and how to apply, please download the presentation. A network of over partners The Management Engineering Degrees at Politecnico di Milano offer many possibilities to carry out an international exchange and mobility experience: from the classic Erasmus programme, to the Double Degrees in collaboration with prestigious foreign universities, to special programmes with different durations, ranging from a few days to one year.
Exchanges with over international institutions on all continents are available to students. Every year over Management Engineering students go abroad, while we greet on our Campuses the same number of incoming exchange students. Are you a current or prospective exchange or international double degree incoming student with an interest in Management Engineering?
Click here for more information. ATHENS Created inthe A. Initially funded through the European Socrates Programme, its main mission is to facilitate the exchange of students, professors and researchers among the European universities involved, by strengthening their integration and collaboration towards the technological development of Europe. To find out the details of the programme and calls, please visit the ATHENS web page.
IDEA League Founded inIDEA League, is a strategic alliance of 5 European universities, all of primary importance within the technological and scientific fields; the aim of the alliance is to strengthen the links between technology, science and society. The members of this network are: ETH - Zurich, polimi phd thesis, TU - Delft, RWTH Aachen, Chalmers University. Politecnico di Milano became part of the IDEA League in March IDEA League promotes programmes and projects polimi phd thesis students, PhD students, researchers, instructors and staff with the aim of further developing the skills and competencies of all of those that study and work in the partner universities.
To find out about the opportunities offered, please visit the page IDEA League. The agreement guarantees the recognition of the positive outcomes obtained by the student.
Politecnico di Milano has established Erasmus agreements with over universities participating in the programme. The semester experience can sometimes be extended to a year, for example to work on the thesis or to access other educational experiences e. internships, collaborations in research projects, etc. UNITECH The Unitech programme is an international mobility programme thought for engineering students interested in improving their technical and scientific knowledge and in developing managerial skills in an international context, putting together a study abroad period with an internship opportunity in a multinational company.
The programme is coordinated by the Unitech International Society, whose members are technical universities and companies. To find out more, please visit the page UNITECH. Alliance4Tech Alliance4Tech is a strategic alliance, polimi phd thesis, formally established inpolimi phd thesis, among 4 polimi phd thesis European technical universities: Centrale Supélec of Paris, Politecnico di Milano, TU-Berlin, University College London.
Alliance4Tech combines four institutions of excellence, different for culture and location, but with the same passion for human and technological evolution, in the economic heart of Europe. Its goal is to create a real European Campus without borders for its students and professors. Alliance4Tech offers talented and deserving students an innovative educational path, during which they can carry out their studies in at least three different countries.
How to write your PhD thesis
, time: 1:08:10Master of Science DIG - Politecnico di Milano School of Management

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