Research Paper - Drug Addiction and Abuse. In Partial Fulfillment To the Subject Society and Culture with Family Planning A Research Paper in connection with Drug Addiction and Abuse Mainly focusing on Shabu Its History and Effects Prepared By: Hera Polidario Cabonegro BSED – II A.Y.: f The main purpose of this research paper is to provide information on how drugs affect the brain and Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins The Causes, Effects and Prevention of Drug Addiction. view essay example. Drug Addiction 3 Pages. Nowadays, drug addiction are an important cause of death and many problems in society. Drug addiction, also called “substance use disorder” (Mayo Clinic) is a disease that affects a person’s brain and behavior and leads to an inability to Dec 29, · Good Research Paper About Drug Addiction, Consequences And Remedies BergonetteLaporte. The habit of addiction to drugs and alcohol among the youth affect their future career. Drug Drug Addiction. Drug addiction is defined as a persistent and degenerating brain disease characterized by Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins
(DOC) Research Paper - Drug Addiction and Abuse | Hera Cabonegro - blogger.com
Pages: 8 words research paper for drug addiction Style: APA · Bibliography Sources: 7 · File:. docx · Level: College Senior · Topic: Sports - Drugs. Download the perfectly formatted MS Word file! Drug Addiction and Crime Over the last several decades, the U. has been aggressively involved in a war on drugs. Part of the reason for this, is because of the…, research paper for drug addiction. Pages: 8 words · Type: Research Paper · Bibliography Sources: 8.
The objective of this work is to state an argument as to whether drug-addiction should be considered a disease. For the purpose…. Pages: 4 words · Type: Term Paper · Style: APA · Bibliography Sources: 7.
Pages: 2 words · Type: Term Paper · Bibliography Sources: 1. Community Health Nursing Drug addiction There are various theories fronted by Smith on the understanding of the other person particularly in the psychological aspect. In the topic of drug abuse…. Pages: 2 words · Type: Essay · Bibliography Sources: 2. Drug Legalization As the country was turning into the 20th century, drugs that were in the market were largely unregulated, research paper for drug addiction.
There were medical remedies that often contained derivatives of cocaine…. Pages: 12 words · Type: Term Paper · Style: MLA · Bibliography Sources: All Rights Reserved. Drug Addiction Research Paper Pages: 8 words · Style: APA · Bibliography Sources: research paper for drug addiction · File:. Social Problem of Drug Addiction Drug Addiction The Social Problem of Drug Addiction and the Role of the Community The Social Problem of Drug Addiction and the Role of Community Download full paper NOW!
Drug addiction is a multifaceted human issue that breeds biologicaleconomic, and social consequences. The social impact of drug abuse and addiction affects the family, the community, and resonates with the overall society at large. In some form, drugs are used in every society on a daily basis, and includes caffeine, herbs, tobacco, and over the counter medications.
For the purposes of this paperthe focus will be on drug addiction, which generally occurs with drugs that compromise the function of the nervous system. Although the abuse of drugs dates back millennia, advances in communication, technology, drug manufacturing and distribution has research paper for drug addiction drug addiction a significant social problem in the present age UNDCP, The cost of drug addiction impacts economic, health care, law enforcement, and community resources.
Accepting that drug addiction as a social problem insinuates that drug addiction is everyone's problem. The threat of law enforcement and legal consequences has proven to be insufficient solutions to the drug addiction issue. TOPIC: Research Paper on Drug Addiction Assignment Addressing a social problem requires social resources. In regards to drug addiction, research paper for drug addiction entities such as the family, research paper for drug addiction, faith organizations, and the community are needed to provide addicts with the adequate amount of support needed to overcome their addiction.
The family and members of the community have the potential to directly impact the life of an addict, for better or for worse. The family may be the origin of drug addiction, or the family may be a source of treatment UNDCP, Only families that have the ability to offer healthy environments for the addict have the potential to be part of the solution.
Leaders in faith organizations must be trained to understand the signs of alcohol and drug dependence, be able to communicate and educate about their consequences, and provide theological context for addiction to those who seek it, research paper for drug addiction. The community plays a pivotal role in the solution for drug addiction, as the community must provide the necessary resources for individuals to succeed in their sobriety. Finding a solution to drug addiction requires the social influences of the family and community to nurture positive, healthy environments for addicts to receive support and treatment.
Defining Drug Addiction as a Social Problem Drug use is relevant to every country and culture around the world. Whether the drug is caffeine, research paper for drug addiction opiate, or otherwise, some form of drug is being used within every societal structure.
Drugs have been employed by civilizations for millennia and have been exploited for both medicinal and recreational incentives. Defining drug, drug abuse, and drug addiction are necessary to establish a context for discussion. The consequences of drug addiction will then be focused into a social view and will address addiction and its role as a social problem. The term "drug" is used to classify a range of substances.
Drugs can research paper for drug addiction used for medicinal purposes, recreational purposes, and be found in substances that are consumed daily and are considered harmless. Caffeinated beverages and herbs, for example, are drugs and influence bodily processes, research paper for drug addiction, but are ingested by billions of people every day. Caffeine is considered a legal drug, as are tobacco products, alcohol, and prescription medications. Glues and cleaning agents are legal for purchase, but contain harsh chemicals and can be abused for their ability to alter physiological processes.
These substances include alcohol, marijuana, barbiturates, narcotics, inhalants, and hallucinogens. Defining Drug Abuse and Addiction Although drug abuse and drug addiction are not the same, they tend to occur together.
In theory, all drugs have the potential to be abused and misused. Examples of drug misuse is drinking alcohol to the point of drunkenness and exceeding the recommended dose of prescription medication.
Drug addiction is a human issue that does not discriminate between gender, race, sexual orientation, creed, or otherwise. Drug Addiction is a Social Problem Government slogans such as "War on Drugs" are enough to make one believe that drugs have been abused and misused only in recent research paper for drug addiction. For example, the Grecian oracles of Delphi used drugs while communicating their prophecies.
The use of mandrake root, a hallucinogen, is mentioned in the Book of Genesis in the Bible as an item used to barter for lovemaking Hanson et al. Attempts to lower the incidence of drug abuse dates as far back as B. In the Code of Hammurabi, an ancient Babylonian law code which speaks negatively of men who were drinking excessive amounts of alcohol Hanson et al. Drug abuse and addiction are not novel concepts in human history; however, drug abuse is currently more severe and widespread than ever before in recorded history Hanson et al.
Advances in communication, manufacturing, drug design, and shipping have all contributed to the growth of the human population, growth in business, research paper for drug addiction, and ultimately growth in drug distribution and consumption UNDCP, Global changes in economics and politics have been conducive to the enhanced exchange of goods and money from one country to another, and in some cases have made trade easier and cheaper.
Illicit drugs and their users can be found in nearly every country and every city. Inthe Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration SAMHSA reported The availability of illicit drugs to youth speaks to the potential for drug abuse and addiction to occur at a younger age than ever before.
The widespread availability and use of drugs has made drug addiction one of the most significant social problems in the 20th and 21st centuries. The cost of drug addiction impacts economies, health care, law enforcement and community resources UNDCP, If one is willing to classifying drug addiction as a social problem, then drug addiction is everyone's problem. The solution to eradicate the social problem of drug addiction will require the work of social entities such as the family, the faith organizations, and the community.
The threat of law enforcement and legal action has proven to be an insufficient solution to the addiction problem. Addicts need the social support provided by their supporters and members of the community to overcome the addiction. Finding Solutions for Drug Addiction within the Community A social problem requires a social solution.
Drug addiction is a social problem that has penetrated into all age groups, genders, races, creeds, and social groups. Finding a solution to the social problem of drug addiction requires the efforts of such social institutions as the family, the church, and the community. These social bodies have the potential to directly impact, influence, research paper for drug addiction guide an addict to sobriety in a healthy manner.
The continued work of people in the community to positively influence and provide healthy resources to addicts are critical to solving the social problem of drug addiction. The Role of the Family The family represents a complex social structure that has the potential to nurture the behaviors of its individuals. The family is also viewed as a basic source of strength and support, which cultivates stability and continuity for the community UNDCP, As much as the family can be a source… [END OF PREVIEW].
READ MORE. Two Ordering Options:? Related Research Papers: Drug Addiction and Crime Research Paper … Drug Addiction and Crime Over the last several decades, the U. For the purpose… Pages: 4 words · Type: Term Paper · Style: APA · Bibliography Sources: 7 How Drug Addiction Should Be Treated as a Disease and Not Criminally Term Paper … ¶ … Drug Addiction Should Be Treated as an Illness and Not Through the Criminal Justice System Addiction by definition is illogical and irrational.
In the topic of drug abuse… Pages: 2 words · Type: Essay · Bibliography Sources: 2 Drug Legalization Term Paper … Drug Legalization As the country was turning into the 20th century, drugs that were in the market were largely unregulated. How to Cite "Drug Addiction" Research Paper in a Bibliography: APA Style Drug Addiction. Chicago Style "Drug Addiction. February 15, Accessed July 31, Listen to our radio ad!
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Research Paper On Drug Addiction Drug Addiction Research Paper. Like the army of White Walkers who march haltingly across the tundra in the HBO series Prescription Drug Addiction Research Paper. While addiction is a crippling disease that affects more than 20 million Drug Addiction And Nov 18, · Drug addiction is categorized as a brain disease since it changes the structure and functioning of the brain. The brain change which lasts for a longer period leads to a wide range of harmful and mostly self-destructive behavior patterns (“The Science of Drug Abuse Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins Intervention strategies for tackling problem drug use tend to be dominated by a focus upon the physical (e.g. detox, drug testing, substitute prescribing) and psychological (motivational interviewing, the cycle of change) aspects of dependence. In contrast this paper will promote the social dimension of drug
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