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Term paper about acid rain

Term paper about acid rain

term paper about acid rain

Mar 04,  · Abstract Acid rain is a term that refers to all forms of acid precipitation. For a long time, pollution and hazardous discharges have been identified as the major causes of this form of precipitation. Existing scientific research has linked acid rain to increased environmental degradation TOPIC: Term Paper on Acid Rain Assignment The reason why acid rain is such a global problem is that unlike the holes in the ozone layer, which tended to be localized over certain areas, wind directions are global. This means clouds affected by acidity in one part of earth might be borne by winds over several thousand miles to be deposited through precipitation in another part of the world Aug 30,  · Term Paper on Acid Rain: Acid rain is the form of precipitation (rain, snow, mist, fog, etc) during which their pH is reduced, because of the high concentration of the pollutants like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. The term of acid rains was introduced in the end of the 19th century when the industrial development of the human civilization showed its first negative impact in the form of the harmful acid rains

Acid Rain Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

Acid Rain and Geology Acid rain is a term that refers to a mixture of dry and wet deposited materials that falls in precipitation from the atmosphere, containing "higher then normal amounts of nitric and sulfuric acids" Environmental Protection Agency, term paper about acid rain. Some of the "precursors, term paper about acid rain, or chemical forerunners" of acid rain are from natural sources like volcanoes and rotting vegetation; other precursors are from man-made sources like nitrogen oxides NOX and sulfur dioxide SO2.

The man-made emissions result for the most part from the burning of fossil fuels, like coal and oil for electrical production, according to the EPA. et Deposition: In the United States, about two-thirds of all the SO2 and one-quarter of all the NOX results from the burning of coal and oil. Acid rain is created when these gases -- released through the smokestacks of the coal and oil-fired plants -- mix with water and oxygen and other….

Works Cited Environmental Protection Agency. What is Acid Rain? Kang, Hojeong, and Lee, Dowon. Inhibition of Extracellular Enzyme Activities in a Forest Soil by Additions of Inorganic Nitrogen.

Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. Acid ain Should Acid ain Be Made a Political Issue? After studying several researches on how acid rain can cause economic losses, I chose a thesis proposal. I collected information from researches conducted in different countries and analyzed data using Microsoft Excel. Acid rain is a problem that does not respect political barriers, thus, making it a global issue. The world's population is currently around 7 billion and is still dramatically increasing.

This increase is accompanied with an increase in land usage, deforestation and industrialization, contributing to environmental pollution. A major environmental hazard is sulphur dioxide. Urban areas are major contributors to this particularly harmful pollutant.

It is released as a result of poorly controlled combustion, which maybe from factories, coal power plants or even from domestic use of sulphur containing fuel. Volcanoes are the natural cause of increased sulphur content in the environment. Acid ain, Sulphur dioxide and…, term paper about acid rain. In Encyclopedia. Today's Science. Retrieved from Facts On File, Inc. Shah, J. Integrated analysis for acid rain in Asia: Policy implication and results of rain-Asia model.

Retrieved from EBSCO database. Smith, S. Anthropogenic sulphur dioxide emissions: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11, pdf State Environmental Protection Administration. China to reduce sulphur dioxide term paper about acid rain. Materials and Methods Because sulfur dioxide is converted term paper about acid rain sulfuric acid, which bonds with water vapor in the atmosphere and results in acid rain, one of the best ways to look for the effects of that acid rain is to look to see how sulfuric acid directly affects specific items.

That can be done by placing a few drops of sulfuric acid onto the selected items and waiting a few days to see what the results are. Being careful is key, because sulfuric acid is very dangerous. A well-ventilated hood and protective gloves should be used. The other materials needed for this experiment are: ml sulfuric acid H2SO4concentrated Large Petri dishes with covers nylon stocking aluminum foil leaf, a flower petal, and a stick esults The leaf, the stick, and the flower petal all had the same result.

They were all darkened and shriveled a few days after…. References Davis, Mackenzie L. And Cornwell, David a. Introduction to Environmental Term paper about acid rain 2 nded. McGraw-Hill, Inc. De Nevers, Noel. Air Pollution Control Engineering. It was discovered that a nearby factory was releasing sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere. The resulting acid rain had deposited on the surface of the marble CaCO3 converting it into the dull gypsum CaSO4. Calcium sulfate also has twice the molar volume of calcium carbonate, term paper about acid rain.

Lambert, This expansion had resulted in added stress resulting in cracks. Acidity in rain results in greater incidences of rust. This is because the acidity results in the formation of ferrous ions, term paper about acid rain in the presence of water results in Ferric Hydroxide, which is rust.

Bibliography AcidRain. Acid Raid. Environmental Protection Agency, term paper about acid rain. April28 Cfc Destruction Abstracts. April29 Acid Rain Be Made a Political Issue? Acid rain spares nothing. Its effects are vast. It affects plants by destroying its roots, causing stunting or even death.

Increased acidity in the soil, resulting from acidic rain, causes destruction of its nutrients which dissolve or decay in the acidic medium. Saprophytic microorganisms present are also destroyed. Acid rain falling on leaves dissolves its waxy layer. Damage to this layer makes the plant more prone to diseases and vulnerable to the effects of drying.

Germination of seeds and reproduction are also inhibited. Eventually, the plants become weak and are unable to stand adverse climate, such as strong winds and rain. Ultimately, there is wide spread deforestation. Examples include eastside of Penn's state in Norway, trees in Scandinavia, southeastern Canada and northeastern United…. However, against such a backdrop of apparently serious action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which imply widespread changes in energy use, conventional energy still receives the overwhelming share of government support worldwide.

Moreover, with the Bush Administration's rejection of the Kyoto Protocol inthe world's largest greenhouse gas emitter, the U. The federal government also failed to enact a renewable portfolio standard requiring growing shares of energy over time to be generated from renewable sources, even though such bills were submitted repeatedly to the U.

More recently, the Obama Administration has taken steps to mandate reductions in greenhouse gas emissions at U. power plants, factories, and refineries. Approved by the Energy and Commerce Committee of the U. With such measures representing relatively recent steps toward energy sustainability at the national level, the last decade has witnessed a growing trend among many U.

states and cities to fill the policy vacuum left by the federal government Byrne et al. As of Junesome 29 U. states plus the District of Columbia had. From the point-of-view of the variation and flexibility of the species such cultivated woody crops rank as no more than cornfields. While the tree farms are conveniently be stretched on the private lands, national forests those are considered priceless reservoirs of most of the biological diversity of the nation cannot expand so easily.

The commercial logging is considered as the greatest danger for survival of the national forest system. The timber sales are growingly concealed beneath the post fire recovery and fire prevention missions, forest health initiatives and restoration programs. Endangered Forests: Endangered Freedoms Wetlands disappearing Declining wetlands and reservoir construction are having spectacular influences on a global scale.

The country added…. References Acid Rain -- a Contemporary World Problem. Accessed on 3 February, Acid Rain: Do you need to start wearing a rain hat? Term paper about acid rain on 3 February, Barney, Gerald O. The Whole World in Our Hands. Term paper about acid rain Chronicle. Accessed on 3 February, Bryant, Peter J. Biodiversity and Conservation: A Hypertext Book.

Accessed on 3 February, living things are characterized by the following seven characteristics namely mobility, respiration, excretion, sensitivity or response to external stimulus, growth, feeding, and reproduction. Though there may be variations between animal and plant kingdom ex, plants take in carbon dioxide and prepare their own foodterm paper about acid rain, these characteristics are commonly observed among all living things.

iology is a very broad field that encompasses the study of characteristics of living things. It includes botany, zoology and all other sub-disciplines that range from microbiology to evolution and ecology. Evolution is the branch of biology that deals with the study of natural development of living organisms and the changes term paper about acid rain them over time. Evolution refers to the term paper about acid rain changes that occur in a population over a period of time.

All the diversity that is observed currently in plant and animal kingdom can be ascribed to evolution over a long period of time.

E.2.1 State what is meant by the term acid deposition and outline its origins.

, time: 1:51

Free term paper on Acid Rain

term paper about acid rain

Acid rain is a widespread term used to describe all forms of acid precipitation (rain, snow, hail and fog). Atmospheric pollutants, particularly oxides of sulphur and nitrogen, can cause precipitation to become more acidic when converted to sulphuric and nitric acids, hence the term acid rain “Acidic deposition,” or acid rain as it is commonly known, occurs when emissions of sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen react in the atmosphere with water, oxygen, and oxidants to form various acidic Mar 07,  · Words: Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper #: Read Full Paper. It was discovered that a nearby factory was releasing sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere. The resulting acid rain had deposited on the surface of the marble (CaCO3) converting it into the dull gypsum (CaSO/2 H2O)

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