Environmental Impact of Fossil Fuels. Info: words (16 pages) Essay Published: 1st Apr in Environmental Sciences Reference this Essay on Environmental Pollution: Factors and Measures Taken – Essay 6 ( Words) India is the second most populous country in the World and home to over trillion people. It is a land of gorgeous and spectacular landscapes, abundant natural resources, and Essay writers run the risk of getting off track and wandering into thickly wooded forests of needless tangents. (This is also why a well-planned outline is essential.) However, a solid thesis statement will help keep you in check
Essay on Environmental Pollution: 7 Selected Essays on Environmental Pollution
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You can change your ad preferences anytime, essay on environmental. Social and Environmental Reporting - An Essay. Upcoming SlideShare. Like essay on environmental document? Why not share! Essay Writing Service Writing Rep by EssayUK views Report Model by Helen Collins views. Embed Size px. Start on. Show related SlideShares at end. WordPress Shortcode. Like Liked. Naomi O'Donoghue.
Full Name Comment goes here. Are you sure you want to Yes No. No Downloads. Views Total views. Actions Shares. No notes for slide. Social and Environmental Reporting - An Essay 1. This will be achieved through defining what it is and what it entails; documenting its emergence and growth; and delving into the motivations behind such reporting.
There are several suggestions as to why organisations make disclosures regarding their environmental and societal impact; these include the well recognised legitimacy theory; stakeholder theory; and the increasingly prolific hegemonic perspective which shall each be examined in turn, essay on environmental. A case study of Nike Inc. shall provide further insight, examining how ignoring the social effect of their practices caused Nike to lose profitability and ultimately how improving their reporting practices elevated their standing in society.
To some extent there has been an element of social and environmental reporting for as long as there has been financial reporting. Throughout the last 30 years, however, SER has grown in prominence and practice. This may be due to pressure from non-government organisations and activist groups such as Greenpeace, essay on environmental, and scandals relating to poor working conditions.
Societies' increased concern for the environment also played a role, as did the rise of socially responsible investing SRI in the s, essay on environmental.
The result has been an increase in the quantity and also the quality of reporting as new subjects and concerns have been explored and incorporated over time. Disclosed in the reports are issues such as an organisation's carbon emission, natural resource and energy consumption, commitment to recycling, and employee training and working conditions, amongst others.
What has not changed essay on environmental that SER remains a form of self-regulation and the emphasis remains on what is reported, potentially at the expense of what the organisation is choosing not to report and inform the world about. The manner in which a firm's operations impact the environment and humanity is increasingly significant to society. Accountability and transparency are firmly on the agenda and prioritised by well-informed stakeholders Van Staden et al.
It is vitally important to an organisation's performance, reputation and brand, and as such, can have an enormous impact on current and future success. To this end, more and more companies than ever before are now engaged in Essay on environmental Gray et al.
Through their engagement with SER an organisation may cultivate their understanding of societies' concerns and expectations, which affords them the opportunity to recognise new trends in what is considered acceptable in the eyes of the stakeholders. This may potentially increase their competitiveness and allow an organisation to identify and create new growth prospects for the future European Commission, When the environment is compromised in order for an organisation to achieve success, or profits are gained at the expense of humanity then an organisation must acknowledge its position in and obligation to society.
Moreover, it must understand that its success can no longer be measured by financial accounting and profitability alone, but must take these social and environmental impacts into account Gray et al, essay on environmental. After all, consumers essay on environmental proven through their actions that they are willing to change their purchasing habits due to environmental reasons.
This is evidenced by cases such as Walmart, whose customers boycotted their stores when unethical practices came to light, and Nike, which is discussed in detail in the case study which follows. Even in recessionary times, people will pay more for environmentally friendly cars and fair trade food items.
Time Magazine notes that people are not solely motivated by their own self-interest, but are driven by a collective duty to society and this has an economic effect.
NTR, a developer and operator of toll roads, is a good example of an organisation that publishes explicitly about their social and environmental concerns in their annual report. The report particularly emphasises the sustainability of natural resources. Its subsidiary Airtricity has made a commitment to Green Policy ensuring that environmental awareness permeates all of their business aspects. One of its disclosures is their policies on water and plastic 6. The environmental concerns of the firm are thus communicated to the stakeholders Business NTR has deemed essay on environmental a good business choice to voluntarily engage in SER, whether this is to appease their stakeholders, improve their image, or perhaps from a genuine sense of social responsibility and duty of care to the environment.
Regulations While ISO recommends SER consideration from a strategic business perspective, there are no legal requirements for companies to include it in their annual report or to produce it as a standalone document in most parts of the world, essay on environmental. While standards and codes of use do exist there has been insufficient harmonisation of standards which impedes comparability.
Essay on environmental such as the Global Reporting Initiative GRI set out to improve this situation by developing a framework upon which organisations can build their sustainability reports Global Reporting Initiative, In the UK and Ireland, and most parts of Europe, reporting on environmental and social issues is still on a voluntary basis.
Certain codes have been developed to make sure the process is verified even if it is voluntary Gray et al. Other countries such as Denmark and the Netherlands passed legislation in to make environmental disclosure mandatory for larger companies. In South Africa, the Johannesburg Stock Exchange requires quoted companies to report on environmental and social sustainability, in addition to essay on environmental financial sustainability of their activities Van der Lugt et al.
As long as SER is a choice for the organisation without any strict reporting regulations and standards, however, there will be those who will argue that the entire practice is little more than an elaborate marketing exercise. Motivation to Report In order to appreciate the increase in SER, one must discover what motivates organisations to assess their successes beyond merely profitability and growth. Why does an organisation spend time, effort and money to display what might be the negative essay on environmental of their operations?
Benefits such as an improved reputation are easily understood, but additionally an organisation may expect to increase efficiency and reduce waste as reporting can improve 7.
Engaging in social and environmental communication can also have a positive effect on an organisations financial performance and the equity of its brand, essay on environmental. These include Stakeholder Theory, Legitimacy Theory and the Hegemonic Perspective. Stakeholder Theory One perspective from which to look at the motivations for SER is the Stakeholder Theory. There are two veins to this idea; the ethical and the managerial. The ethical perspective is concerned with a company holding itself accountable for its actions.
The managerial vein on the essay on environmental hand, concerns essay on environmental stakeholders who have a vast impact on how the organisation is managed and controlled. The company thus has to preserve the backing and resources of these stakeholders. If the organisation were to lose their support, it may find itself in a position of danger.
From this perspective, SER can be seen as merely a means to an end, a way for essay on environmental firm to manipulate and appease any actions from stakeholders that could damage them or hinder their strategic goals. Grey et al, essay on environmental. A company's stakeholders are shareholders, employees, suppliers, customers, the government, the providers of capital, and the local community.
However, for SER purposes, the most important stakeholders for the company are the employees and investors Spence, The KPMG UK Survey suggested the reasons for this were that reports could be motivating for employees and give reassurance to investors KPMG, The study further suggested that SER is merely a means for the organisation to inform itself, essay on environmental, and that any wider stakeholders are only targeted in order for the organisation to achieve the image essay on environmental desires.
Ever changing legal, political, environmental and social issues can have an enormous impact on how the company conducts its business and will further influence how the public perceives it. Buhr explains that in order to achieve legitimacy, an organisation must demonstrate that their operations are in consonance with the unwritten guidelines for social conduct expected and desired by society.
Social and environmental reporting in the annual report is a means for the organisation to show society that it complies with its social contract. Hegemonic Perspective The hegemonic perspective suggests that the reason for SER disclosures is merely a means of satisfying the organisation's desire for control.
This is also known as the political economy theory. Without regulation and standards on what must be disclosed, the power to communicate selective elements to stakeholders lies with the organisation. The companies did not disclose with an appropriate level of frequency. At times when events affecting their corporate social responsibility took place, they did not always report it, instead making reports when no such events had occurred.
Case Study - Nike In the early s, Nike suffered from bad publicity regarding business practices in their outsourced factories. However, the organisation managed to improve its image in the public eye by engaging in SER and operating as the flagship of reporters for multinational corporations. This case study highlights the purpose and benefits of reporting social issues and environmental impacts in a real world situation.
Nike, Inc, essay on environmental. is an American company that designs, develops, and manufactures footwear, sportswear and equipment. Nike bases its profitable business on outsourcing its manufacturing into Southeast Asian 9.
In fact, in the company outsourced to essay on environmental 1 million employees in 44 countries Nike, Inc. In the founder of Press for Change, Jeff Ballinger, published a report documenting low wages and poor working conditions in a Nike plant in Indonesia University of Michigan Law School Asia Law Society,and in Ballinger continued to uncover unlawful and unethical behaviour in Nike's subcontractors in Indonesia. For the rest of the decade, Nike experienced the wrath of essay on environmental general public as the mainstream media turned their attention to the business practices that Nike had employed, essay on environmental.
When Nike attempted to promote its products, their events were turned into mass protests.
Write an Essay on Environmental Pollution In 300 words -- Environment Pollution Essay In English
, time: 3:41// Words Essay on Environmental Pollution,Article on Pollution
Environmental Impact of Fossil Fuels. Info: words (16 pages) Essay Published: 1st Apr in Environmental Sciences Reference this May 29, · Words Essay on Environmental Pollution (Pollution Essay 2) The change in nature of the environment that gets harmful to living organisms is known as environmental pollution. On the basis of their nature pollution can be classified in different forms. They are soil pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, thermal pollution, visual Mar 30, · Social and Environmental Reporting - An Essay 1. Social and Environmental Reporting Semester 6 March Luyu Gan Suvi Helenius Naomi O’Donoghue BAAF 3 Dundalk Institute of Technology Lecturer: Brian Morris Submission Date: 16/03/ 2
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