Pickle Make Up Essay Power of the Frontier Exposed in My Antonia Essay. At any rate, that is happiness; to be dissolved into something Essay on Vilification of Women in American Literature. She is married, but one afternoon when Gatsby visits her at her Delivering Sustainable Development For Nov 19, · In an article on the Cool Nurse website called "earing Makeup," the author suggests, "Makeup should be used to accentuate what is already there, not to cover it up." Therefore, makeup can contribute positively to one's sense of self-esteem. In fact, makeup Essay 1 - The beauty Of make up The concept of make up can be wrongly viewed to society in negative ways stereotypes play a big real in this for example “Women wear to much make up.” “Women only wear make up because they’re insecure.” “Why do you wear make up?
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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Worldview — The Implications and Reasoning Behind Makeup. I am a woman who wears makeup. These comments aggravate me to no end.
This fuels my anger more than anything because for as long as I can remember, I have been a feminist. This is the definition of feminism, and it will be the definition I go by throughout this piece. First of all, make up essay, I wear makeup for me. Feminism, in my opinion, is about having a choice: A choice of being a stay at home mom, or a working mom, a choice of running for office or not, and the choice of wearing makeup, make up essay. This aggravation and anger I feel when my choice of wearing make up essay is questioned, judged, scrutinized, or disapproved fueled me to ask the very fundament question of why do women wear makeup, and what is thought of those that do, make up essay.
I believe that in order to grasp a thorough understanding as to why women wear makeup, it is crucial to understand the basic history of cosmetics.
I fired up my computer and opened the forever-loved search engine, Google. According to one article, the use of cosmetics was first seen in Ancient Egypt with Cleopatra. Lipstick was made from ground up carmine beetles, or with a clay and water mixture. Kohl was also used by both men and women to line around the eyes.
During the Middle Ages through the 19th century, women used talc powder to whiten the face, but colorful makeup, like lipstick and rouge was frowned upon.
Colorful makeup was associated mainly with prostitutes until the 20th century Edmonds. Although this slightly explains the root of the perceptions that women who wear more makeup more colorful makeup are more promiscuous, I still think there is a deeper reason.
After all, we are no longer in the 19th century, and things have changed. Some women wake up every day and put on prominent makeup, and they do not associate with the characteristic of promiscuity. I know my reason. I like the way I look with makeup more than the way I do make up essay. I like having my skin tone even, accentuating my eyelashes with mascara, and deciding to go with a deep plum for my lips. How is makeup different? However, this is MY reason that I wear makeup.
Is there a deeper reason as to why I wear makeup, and what reasons do other women have? After all, I have no intention of choosing articles that have no validity, which is why I chose an make up essay from Psychology Today.
Psychology Today came out with an article stating why women wear makeup, with research to back it up, thus increasing its credibility. Overall, they claim make up essay women wear make up essay because it makes them look overall healthier.
When you look healthier, you feel more confident! The article also mentioned that wearing blush essentially increases sex appeal, since people blush when they are aroused DiDanto. This logic also backs up my personal feelings as to why I wear makeup. I like the way I look with makeup better than without, probably because I do look healthier. Dark bags under my eyes from lack of sleep make me look as though I died, came back to life, but only really made it halfway back.
I did make up essay want to limit my research to just Google and written articles, which is why I decided to search on YouTube. The you-tuber in the video even says so herself.
These two things are not mutually exclusive. You can like how you look, and still wear makeup. My research has led me to conclude that women wear makeup for multiple reasons, why limit women to one? Ultimately, makeup enhances your features, making you look healthier.
What do others have against women wearing makeup? Why do people claim it is false advertising? My research in my first blog post led me to conclude that women wear makeup for multiple reasons.
Some wear it as a form of expression, make up essay, others wear it to enhance their features, and some wear it simply because they enjoy makeup!
But I am still curious about make up essay those who wear makeup are perceived. I have many issues with this article. Snapshots were then taken at different stages in the makeup process, then shown to both men and women to determine if they preferred the female model with more, less, or no make up. This is one research study. All men want different things. And this study seems to assume that women are putting on makeup for someone else other than themselves.
Who said women are wearing makeup for someone else. Apparently, the article seems to think so. Throughout my entire time of reading the article I wanted to punch the author for the obnoxious comments she wrote. The models were not told to put on makeup for ANYONE, make up essay. They were simply told to put on makeup to go out. The shaming is done with the assumption these women are wearing makeup for someone else.
The article continues to victimize the women. It is articles that are written in make up essay form of bias that ensue idea that women wear makeup for society, which according make up essay my first blog post, is wrong I again went back to the holy grail of search engines, Google. Then I saw a video from ABC News that caught my attention. The video mentions that the girl performing the experiment got questions about her health when she when makeup-less.
Her own boyfriend thought she was ill. This goes back to the Psychology Today article explaining that women wear makeup to appear healthier.
This leads to me to conclude that there appears to be a perception that without makeup, make up essay, you are not in the best condition. Under eye concealer, and some mascara really enhances the appearance. The girl got many compliments and comments on this makeup look from other girls How Men and Women Perceive.
But for women that consistently wear makeup, including me, are able to identify different makeup easier, and notice when it is done well. This same type of concept can be applied in other ways too. For example, I do not play or have ANY knowledge of baseball.
I can distinguish bad players from good players, but not much in between. So if two major league baseball players are pitching, it looks the same to me. That person is more likely to get a compliment from the other baseball player who recognizes the difficulty and skill required for that pitch as opposed to someone like me, with no baseball knowledge.
However, when the girl from the ABC video wore her heavier makeup look, a smoke-y eye and pink lip, many people, including boys, thought she was going out to party How Men make up essay Women Perceive. This was the part of the video that interested me the most.
I decided to investigate some more. I decided to ask my roommate and friend, make up essay, Amelia Herrera, about her opinions on the perception of makeup. Amelia not only wears makeup on a regular basis, but she also works at a high-end makeup counter. She seemed like the perfect candidate to ask questions, since she has quite a lot of familiarity in the makeup world. All my research, especially my interview with Amelia has led me to some definite conclusions. Heavier makeup does imply women are wilder.
The comment Amelia made about heavy makeup and the porn industry made complete sense as well, make up essay. Wearing heavy makeup should not be associated with promiscuity and wildness, but unfortunately it is. Make up essay also seems to be this notion that women wear makeup for society, make up essay. This is not the case. A girl can dream… Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website.
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Persuasive Essay On How To Apply Makeup Words | 4 Pages. As I grew up I learned several things on how to be a female. Makeup was the one thing that I realized was there to help us girls be confident, and have fun in our own skin. Of course, as boys know It can take us either minutes or hours to complete a makeup look we want Stuck on your essay? Browse essays about Makeup and find inspiration. Learn by example and become a better writer with Kibin's suite of essay help services Essay 1 - The beauty Of make up The concept of make up can be wrongly viewed to society in negative ways stereotypes play a big real in this for example “Women wear to much make up.” “Women only wear make up because they’re insecure.” “Why do you wear make up?
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